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The name OpenWorld2 has been chosen for a reason. We want the meaning of OpenWorld2 to echo the ethos of the homes we create by opening the world to support and care for young people and children in residential settings.
Supported Accommodation | Residential Children’s Homes | Outreach
To ensure that the educational and employment needs of the young person are being met appropriately, we are registered with AQA examining body and Support Workers can convert relevant Key Work Sessions into AQA modules where children will receive an AQA certified qualification. Children and Young People receive their Unit Award Scheme certificates, which we all celebrate on a monthly dinner.
Our industry necessitates 24/7 availability for everyone. Consequently, we have a management line open around the clock, including after hours. Additionally, we have a maintenance team on standby 24/7 to handle emergency repairs.
Partnering with Universities – We have previously and continue to partner with a variety of local universities. We offer 100days and 70 days placements to training student Social Workers. This is a great insight for our organisation to be part of the training of newly qualified social workers, approved from Social Work England.